Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry PartyRockk ;

I never thought my mother would buy me this ^^^
Especially cause i kneww we didnt have moneyy to buyy presents.
I love my mom

Thursday, December 24, 2009

My step father;;

of course. He's the only one who can bring me downn. All he talks about is education. The words that comes out from his mouth are repetitions from the past. When he tries to be "cool" it just makes him seem lame. Family time my ass; he's the reason why i dislike staying home. I cant stand the sight of him. My mom should've gotten a divorce years ago;; too late noww.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Chilled with the wrestlers. Playinn pool.
There's a love triangle
"She aint got a man. But she's not alone.
Miss Independent. Yeeah, she got herr own."

Monday, December 21, 2009



Saturday, December 19, 2009

It's annoying

when people judge , especially when they do not knoww the whole situation.
But then, everyone is like thatt.
Kinda upsetting depending on who they are.

Friday, December 11, 2009

I can blog from my phone noww. :) ?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Je suis triste.

Never satisfied ;; Envy strikes every moment of my life.


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hangover ;

My head still feels kinda heavyyy .
Last night was football players' kick back.
Lorena & I didnt have anything to do so we decided to go
instead of the two bonfires we were invited to.
Football players are totally crazyyy.
They were freakinn gone when we got there ;
around 10:30pm.
We played a drinking game with bud light, nastyy beer.
The forth person to pick a King had to drink 8oz of captain morgan and beer mixedd.
Kept drinking, taking shots, blaziin till 3am.
i crashed around 4:30.
Too much things happened.
basically, CrazyyAssNight.
Had a hangoverr,
got home like an hour ago.