Monday, July 20, 2009

Lewis & Clark Adventure

The sun burnt my skin with its heat. After Clark took the last puff of the cigarette, we walked to a bus stop. Rode on the bus from Port Hueneme to Main Street in Ventura.

I finally hung out with Arturo today. It's been probably like.. two weeks?
Time fleww superr fast.

Second time riding on the bus. it's really entertaining and very exciting.
I felt like a kindergartner who was going on a field trip for the very first time.

i hate myself for not taking my camera.
Arturo and I saw bunch of interesting things.

Soon, Andy joined Lewis and Clark's adventure.

Went to the Cross (?) = amazing.
it reminded me of like teenagers having sex in their car at night after enjoying the city lights.
You know, those... famous scenes in cartoons and movies and shiii --
it was even on the AT&T commercial ;; Well not the sex part.
O f f T o p i c.

Good day , good day ;;
didnt even think about shit that's been bothering me.

"Hey babe,"
ahh, interesting.

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